The Trump Administration Is Investing $1 Billion in Research Institutes to Advance Industries of the Future

The Trump Administration Is Investing $1 Billion in Research Institutes to Advance Industries of the Future The Trump Administration is taking strong action to ensure American leadership in the industries of the future—artificial intelligence (AI), quantum information science (QIS), 5G communications, and other key emerging technologies that will shape our economy and security for years […]

Silicon Photonics, the Pockels Effect, and Quantum Computing

[DISPLAY_ULTIMATE_SOCIAL_ICONS] Silicon Photonics, the Pockels Effect, and Quantum Computing Read More… Design rules for strong electro-optic materials +  Abstract +  The explosive rise of silicon photonics has led to renewed interest in the electro-optic (EO) or Pockels effect due to its potential uses in many next generation device applications. To find materials with a strong […]

More on LANL’s Quantum Computing Summer School

More on LANL’s Quantum Computing Summer School Preparing the quantum workforce of the future Excerpts and salient points ~ +  From faster financial analysis to better medicine for cancer treatment, quantum computers could solve bigger problems much faster than classical computers. The school also brings in speakers from big tech (Google, Microsoft and IBM) and […]