Middle East, Quantum Computing, and FOMO

Middle East, Quantum Computing, and FOMO The Gulf embraces quantum power Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Universities in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE have already launched quantum computing research groups to help cultivate homegrown knowledge of the technology that is set to transform the world. +  While the global quantum computing ecosystem is […]

Maryland’s IONQ Quantum Computer Outperforms Classical Systems

Maryland’s IONQ Quantum Computer Outperforms Classical Systems.  Having announced the simulation of water molecules via its trapped ion quantum computing system this past December, IONQ revealed on March 24th the capability of their system yet again.  This time, they are releasing results showing performance in solving complex equations of 78% and 35% wherein classical systems […]

Ireland Focuses on Programming Practical Use-case Quantum Technologies

Ireland Focuses on Programming Practical Use-case Quantum Technologies.  At Maynooth University, the 2nd All Ireland Conference on Quantum Technologies has taken place.  In a briefing about the Irish Centre for High-End Computing’s current activities, specific discussion centered on ICHEC’s work on quantum software.  Programming practical use-cases in quantum computing platforms is being researched. In the near […]