May 1, 2018

Quantum Key Distribution Takes a Sizeable Step

Twin-field quantum key distribution (TF-QKD) has been publicly announced by a team of scientists from Toshiba Research in the U.K. Seeking to extend the range of QKDs with an improvement in bandwidth. Simply, a quantum repeater is placed between two communicating parties. Both parties send their code to the repeater which then relays measurements of the entangled signals.

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“C” is for “Commutative”

This past week, cryptologists from Belgium and The Netherlands released a report on a post-quantum computing algorithm promising quantum resistance. The claim is the algorithm provides a non-interactive key exchange while similar in construct to common elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECCs). This commutative, super-singular elliptic-curve, is touted as being able to be “dropped-in” to replace instantiations of quantum-vulnerable ECCs while maintaining quantum-resistant security schemes.

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Google’s Quantum Computing

Recent comments from Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin keep quantum computing in the company’s spotlight. Add to quantum computing, AI and cryptocurrency are also high on Google’s agenda.

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Clearly, It’s Been Explained

Quantum computing, quantum mechanics, quantum bits, and so on. Quantum is one term many people shy away from at its mere mention. However, as quantum computers make the mainstream news more often, some of us (Qubit included), have been trying to grasp the concepts and convey them in layperson’s terms.

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