June 12, 2018

Microsoft, OpenVPN, Post-Quantum Computing

Recently, Microsoft made virtual private networks (VPNs) and post-quantum cryptography (PQC) cryptosystem experimentation available for public study. Making use of the widely acclaimed OpenVPN software, MS combined OpenVPN with a PQC kit. The present iteration only protects data tunneling between the client and the VPN server with purportedly PQC-safe encryption algorithms. As data exits this trusted network onto the internet (public), classical cryptography takes over the encryption, increasing risk to the data’s confidentiality. The MS project complements the Open Quantum Safe project and NIST’s Post-Quantum Cryptography endeavors. Read on for further detail. 

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Global Quantum Key Distribution Network Partners Announced

In May, the European Space Agency (ESA) teamed with Satellite-Enabled Solutions (SES) to develop the Quantum Cryptography Telecommunication System, aka QUARTZ. Last week, SES announced ten partners in the project, each of which will contribute to the quantum key distribution system.

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