June 20, 2018

Creating Rank-and-File Photons; and a Quantum Worforce

A team of scientists from France, Germany, and the U.S., are working to develop techniques and materials to produce “indistinguishable photons”. Doing so would permit greater integration into the current high-speed, light-based, computing infrastructure found throughout the globe. This is a necessity to expanding quantum computing, in a practical sense. Other facets to the research include increasing the quantum workforce: “Ultimately, we hope to draw more researchers into this field” the team commented.

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Quantum Computing. Next Step Between WWII Allies?

Signs are promising that quantum computing will get here. Potential military uses are numerous and growing as more minds take on quantum information science. How have the Five Eyes nations – U.S., Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Australia – tackled complex military issues in the past? Is now the right time to circle the wagons as has been done throughout modern history?

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Quantum Dots and Donor Atoms

The U.S. Department of Energy’s research teams recently integrated quantum dots and donor atoms to produce qubits with little degradation. There are two primary benefits from this new qubit. First, maintaining of the quantum data stored in the spin (coherence). Second, use of silicon materials which have manufacturing infrastructure readily available. Keeping coherence high is a necessity to developing practical quantum computers. 

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Finland Approves PQC-ready Device

Finland’s National Cyber Security Authority has approved a firewall and virtual private network appliance which claims compatibility for post-quantum cryptographic algorithms. The approval and considerations for cryptographic resilience in a quantum computer world lend strength to the growing international concern over quantum supremacy’s arrival. It’s just a matter of when…because quantum is coming. 

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