June 22, 2018

Cybersecurity and Quantum Key Distribution

The concept of Alice and Bob communicating is back in the spotlight with quantum key distribution added to it. This team from the University of York developed a process which involves displacing the data detectors – the point where information must be read – to a location separate from the sender and receiver. Doing so reduces probability of a hacker attacking the device. See the layperson’s article at ScienceDaily and the original study at the Cornell University Library site. 

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Reducing Quantum Hardware with “Time Crystals”

Majorana time crystals and non-Abelian anyons have been shown to be ‘braidable’, sharing attributes of each to establish a method for transferring quantum information. The study, conducted by physicists at the University of Singapore, shows that by increasing the temporal dimension of the braid system and by manipulating increased Majorana particle modes, fewer physical devices and the accoutrements are needed to produce desired results. The long-term vision is to produce a physically smaller and less complex quantum computing system architecture.

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