June 23, 2018

Quantum Computing’s Fit Into Classical Computing

Computer science theorists have been troubled with answering just what problem could a quantum computer solve that a classical computer would ever possibly accomplish. Collaboration between Princeton University and Stanford University theorists believe they have an answer – finally. This piece explores the question: “[We] want to know, where does quantum computing fit into the world of classical complexity theory?” 

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What Quantum Computing & China Mean to World Stability

China is moving rapidly through developing quantum computing setting aside billions of U.S. dollars for research and development studies and facilities. In 2017, with the launch of the Micius satellite and subsequent successful quantum experiments involving entangled photons the Chinese appear to be leaps ahead of the global community. The brief history of China’s quantum ambitions and their thirst for supremacy in space have many implications in the geo-political spectrum. Will the ambitions reduce U.S. dominance internationally, both militarily and politically? THE NATIONAL INTEREST is carrying a very interesting piece covering China and possible influences to world stability if the path to quantum computing continues in its favor. 

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