June 24, 2018

Macroscopic Quantum Coherence of Superconductors

A Russian research group at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has demonstrated a superconductor feature known as Abrikosov vortices exists in non-superconducting metal when in contact with a superconductor. The nexus for quantum computers and this finding lays in the key property of superconductors: Quantum coherence. This “macroscopic quantum coherence of superconductors” may be harnessed to enable qubits. 

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Germany’s Parliament Discusses Quantum Technology

Germany’s Parliamentary Digital Agenda Committee discusses the country’s way-ahead with quantum computing. Much of the discussion centered around data security. Further, rumor is swirling that the German government will be embarking on a significant quantum technology initiative. 

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64-Qubit Simulation Successful

With improvements in both superconducting and semiconductor quantum chips, simulating a 50-qubit system using classical computers takes in the region of 16 petabytes of RAM. Chinese researchers have managed to simulate a 64-qubit system with greatly reduced hardware requirements. With such a reduction, realization of other quantum feats stands to be simulated while the world waits…because quantum is coming.

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