June 29, 2018

Quantum Random Number Generation

In encryption, the one-time pad is known as the most secure method to maintain confidentiality of data — unbreakable with completely random numbers. Acting as the cryptographic key, random numbers must be truly random or the risk to the encrypted data becomes an issue.

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Quantum Key Distribution Service for the U.S.

In a first for the United States, a private firm, Quantum Xchange, has launched a quantum key distribution service. Expected to serve the Northeast from D.C. to Boston, the network will be connecting Wall Street with financial operations in New Jersey. The network model is to provide quantum keys on demand; making QKD available to many economic sectors. 

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Taking Up Microsoft

Dubai Electricity and Water Authority is the first non-U.S. organization to take Microsoft up on its quantum program. The two aim to accelerate the water authority’s goals. Specifically, the organization’s ability to optimize energy use. 

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