July 23, 2018

Canada’s Anti-Stealth Aircraft Radar; Quantum-enabled

Canada’s Department of National Defence’s All Domain Situational Awareness S&T program is putting up a substantial financial investment to develop a stealth aircraft detecting radar using quantum physics. The anti-stealth quantum radar will alert of the approach of a stealth aircraft without giving the aircraft notice it has been detected. It is hoped the cutting edge system will help fill the coming radar station gap along Canada’s northern border expected circa 2025. 

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Quantum Sensing and Error-Correction

Decoherence is a grind on the effort to move quantum computing forward. Efforts to overcome decoherence, the loss of a coherent state, is a field of much research. Scientists at MIT have published a method to help resolve part of the issue which is a failing to correct the dominant noise type in quantum sensors. Their method exploits spatial correlations involving qubits and tailors the error-corrections to the “noise” vice temporal correlations between signal properties and noise.

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