August 5, 2018

How Long Is Ten Years? Prepare Now.

Much of today’s internet traffic is encrypted, well over 50% by some estimates. As the encryption of data in motion approaches 100%, so to does the approach of quantum computers. The threat, and mitigation, is found in this un-refined disruptive technology.

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Hf2Te2P: Quantum Computing Material’s Holy-Grail?

niversity of Central Florida and the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, amongst others, have stumbled upon a material which has a variety of quantum properties. Though early in the study of the hafnium, tellurium, and phosphorus material, the research finds Hf2Te2P has multiple electron patterns; ergo, multiple quantum properties. Being a non-silicon-based material, future study will determine if Hf2Te2P is indeed a breakthrough in quantum computing necessary material.

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Quantum computer design and quantum computing applications go hand-in-hand but not all of the corporate giants are involved in both per se. Some, Nokia (NOK), and AT&T (T), for example, are looking further into the future to gain advantage of the others’ near-term efforts. These two giants are looking at its use in 5G.

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The Austrian Institute of Technology joins the European Space Agency and global satellite operator SES in a venture to secure communications. Using quantum key distribution techniques, the goal is to enable quantum encryption key distribution via satellite. QKD via satellite overcomes the degradation of data over distance and, more importantly, provides a nearly unbreakable delivery of cryptographic keys.

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