August 30, 2021

Making Quantum Devices With Higher-Dimensional Topological States

Linked Weyl surfaces, a novel type of topological phase that exists in five-dimensional space, were experimentally observed for the first time by a team led by Professor Shuang ZHANG from the Department of Physics at The University of Hong Kong(HKU). The work provides a unique platform for exploring various topological phases, the transition between them, and the corresponding boundary effects in five dimensions. The research paper was recently published in the renowned journal Science.

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The Economist S&T: Physics Seeks the Future

Whatever the causes of these two results, they do show that there is something out there which established explanations cannot account for. Similarly unexplained anomalies were starting points for both quantum theory and relativity. It looks possible, therefore, that what has seemed one of physics’s darkest periods is about to brighten into a new morning.

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The Economist S&T: Physics Seeks the Future

Whatever the causes of these two results, they do show that there is something out there which established explanations cannot account for. Similarly unexplained anomalies were starting points for both quantum theory and relativity. It looks possible, therefore, that what has seemed one of physics’s darkest periods is about to brighten into a new morning.

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