September 7, 2021

Take it or Leave it: U.S. National Security Agency Gave Us the Questions They Asked Themselves, and the Answers They Gave Themselves

Quantum computers can, in principle, perform certain mathematical algorithms exponentially faster than a classical computer. In place of ordinary bits used by today’s computers, quantum computers use “qubits” that behave and interact according to the laws of quantum mechanics. This quantum physics-based behavior would enable a sufficiently large-scale quantum computer to perform specific mathematical calculations that would be infeasible for any conventional computer.

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Southeast Asia Sees Quantum Key Distribution Gaining Market Share

Despite the numerous cybersecurity solutions in the market, Southeast Asia continues to see increasing cyber threats and data breaches, so could Quantum Key Distribution be the answer? While small and medium enterprises are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, large enterprises and government agencies are often the industries targeted the most by cybercriminals.

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