The Shorts | 7/27/21 | Cybersecurity and Cryptography in Quantum Computing

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The rate at which quantum computing is hitting the media stream is ever-increasing. This piece is a collection of articles and reports covering various aspects of quantum computing from the lens of cybersecurity and cryptography. Mea Cubitt

Why migrating to SaaS-based cloud solutions will make hospitals future-proof | Cloud adoption has taken a quantum leap in the last decade, and companies across industries are moving their operations from legacy IT systems to the cloud. From manufacturing and retail to e-commerce and entertainment, every sector has benefited immensely from the agility and scalability offered by the cloud. When it comes to a mission-critical sector such as healthcare, cloud-based solutions can be a true game-changer by enabling providers to deliver quality, accessible and coordinated care to patients.  Source: msn.   Why migrating to SaaS-based cloud solutions will make hospitals future-proof…

5G And Fiber: Quantum-Ready Security | What is a 5G network? Funnily enough, it’s the fifth generation of broadband cellular or wireless networks, proven to be inherently more efficient and faster at handling ever-growing connections and users. While super-fast 5G connections currently exist mainly in a few major metropolitan areas, 5G is expected to expand nationwide within the next few years.  Source: Forbes.   5G And Fiber: Quantum-Ready Security…

Researchers develop innovative platform capable of verifying quantum encryption technologies | SEOUL — A state research body in South Korea has developed an innovative platform capable of verifying encryption technologies that prevent the hacking of quantum computers. It would accelerate efforts to find cryptographic algorithms with higher security in preparation for the era of quantum computers.  Source: Aju Business Daily.   Researchers develop innovative platform capable of verifying quantum encryption technologies…

KT develops Q-SDN to monitor and control quantum cryptographic networks | KT, a leading telecom company in South Korea, has developed a quantum-software defined network (Q-SDN) that can monitor and control quantum cryptographic networks from a central control center. It can link equipment from various manufacturers more easily if quantum cryptography networks are expanded.  Source: Aju Business Daily.   KT develops Q-SDN to monitor and control quantum cryptographic networks…

Quantum decryption coming | Rapid developments in quantum computing could soon compromise encrypted Australian government data, a cyber security policy assessment has concluded, while warning that cybercriminals are targeting critical supply chains and running rings around “highly vulnerable” small businesses and citizens.  Source: INFORMATIONAGE.   Quantum decryption coming…

Quantum Defense for Crypto Would Decrease Usability, Study Shows | These are the results of a study conducted by Stephen Homes, Arqit’s chief product officer, and Liqun Chen from the University of Surrey. In the paper, the authors posit that quantum computers could in theory use Shor’s algorithm to break cryptocurrencies’ encryption. They believe this algorithm could break Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signatures, which many cryptocurrencies depend on.  Source:   Quantum Defense for Crypto Would Decrease Usability, Study Shows…

Mitigating Threats to Encryption From Quantum and Bad Random | Encryption is under threat from two sides. The first we can call bad actors, which comprises criminals and nation states. The second is bad encryption, which comprises poor systems and bad random. These two threats already combine to make common encryption less secure than we like to believe ‒ and with the power of quantum computing, it will only get worse.  Source: SECURITYWEEK.   Mitigating Threats to Encryption From Quantum and Bad Random…

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