Applications for Quantum

My Qubits Are Better Than Your Qubits

Today, we are still in the early stages of quantum computing so it’s hard to believe we may someday need to make these kinds of choices: which type of qubit (quantum bit) is right for which job?

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Just Because a QPU Gives You a Result Once, Does Not Mean It Will Do So Reliably

In February of 2022, Agnostiq released a study providing the present state-of-the-art for solving combinatorial optimization problems on real, noisy gate-model quantum computers. Although the study was primarily focused on the optimization of discrete financial portfolios, the work is much more general with consequences for other industrially important problems including vehicle routing, task scheduling and facility location services.

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Cisco Quantum Research and UC Santa Barbara Collaborate to Push the Limits of Quantum Technology

A new collaboration between UC Santa Barbara researchers and Cisco Systems aims to push the boundaries of quantum technologies. Assistant professors Yufei Ding and Galan Moody have received research awards from the technology giant to work with its new Quantum Research Team, which was formed to pursue the research and development required to turn quantum hardware, software, and applications into broadly used technologies.

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IBM Expanding Quantum Computing Partnerships

IBM ‘s Q Network is adding North Carolina State University to its retinue. To date, nearly 80,000 coders from across industry and academia have utilized the IBM Q network — a 50 qubit, quantum system made available by Big Blue to encourage discovery in quantum applications. Read on for more. 

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