Oak Ridge National Laboratories (ORNL)

Material-Design Tools Taking On Quantum Monte Carlo Methods, Approximation of the Schrodinger Equation

A multi-institutional effort that includes researchers from Argonne, Lawrence Berkeley, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories is now underway to prepare QMCPACK for deployment on forthcoming, GPU-powered exascale machines, including the ALCF’s Aurora supercomputer. The greatly expanded computational power and parallelism of exascale will enable predictive capabilities far beyond the capacity of QMCPACK’s current implementation.

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Quantum Learning Machine?

Simulating qubits is no small challenge. Atos’ recent work in modeling noise in quantum systems has allowed simulation of a 41 qubit machine. The anticipated studies with the new device will enable testing of quantum algorithms with artificial intelligence applications. There’s already buyers for the Atos QLM, including the U.S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, France, and now Austria.

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