Of the Cryptographic Trend Predictions for 2021, There are 2 Standout Themes

Blockchain Code

Six cryptographic trends we’ll see next year

+  There has been a lot of talk in 2020 about quantum computers breaking current cryptography. In 2021, manufacturers of devices — satellites, cars, weapons, medical devices — that will be used for 10 to 20 years, will be smart to embrace quantum-safe cryptography.

+  A crypto-agile solution could entail implementing hybrid certificates: signing them with conventional asymmetric encryption now but incorporating enough flexibility so they will transition smoothly to counteract the quantum computing threat when the time comes.

+  Whether it’s the cloud and organizations retaining control of the keys, BYOE and homomorphic encryption, DevSecOps embracing cryptography, or hybrid certificates for crypto agility, two themes stand out:

+ Encryption and key management: you can’t have one without the other

+ Shorter certificate lifecycles require more attention to key management than ever

Source:  HELPNETSECURITY.  Ryan Smith,  Six cryptographic trends we’ll see next year…

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