India’s QNu Labs Touts Its Quantum Safe Security Prowess

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QNu Labs wants to accelerate world’s transition to quantum safe security: Sunil Gupta, Co-Founder, CEO of QNu Labs

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+  QNu Labs provides solutions to the issues that exist in the field of cryptography. Highlighting these issues, Mr. Gupta said, “All of us have been depending on cryptography for almost two decades. Today, when we do internet banking, mobile banking, or any transaction for that matter, we are confident that cryptography technology is taking care of our transactions and it is secure. But, what has happened in the last decade, and especially in the last 5 years, is that the top 5 companies of the world have put in billions of dollars to come up with a major disruption in computing, like the disruption that happened with the arrival of the Internet. We believe that the arrival of quantum computing will change the world in more ways than has ever happened before.”

On a concluding note, Mr Gupta shared his vision for the start-up and said, “Our larger vision is that tomorrow, a large number of enterprises should get to endorse this fact that QNu Labs came and helped them implement this technology in a very simple, easy and cost-effective manner, and that they could actually save themselves from future threats. Our vision is to protect enterprises from current vulnerabilities and make them safe from future threats.”

+  When asked since data is the new oil, what are the basics at QNu Labs that make it different from the others, Mr Gupta responded, “Our vision was two-fold. One, to bring a technology that cannot be broken and can protect the companies. Two, which is a bigger problem for us today, was making sure that the world embraces the new technology because we’re in a race against time. That is the reason our vision was to accelerate the world’s transition to quantum safe cryptography. I also believe that if the world embraces quantum cryptography, it will be a better and secure place for mankind. We took that vision and built the products, but these products are not what we are going to sell. Our idea is to build interesting business-use cases over our quantum tech. For example, today if somebody wants to protect the data centres, we have solutions built around this. We have built a series of set of solutions like VPN security, point-to-point data security, cloud security, etc., which make sure that the enterprises will be able to protect their data in different configurations and situations. We haven’t built the offerings from a product-technology perspective, rather keeping in mind the application and use of the product by users of the existing scenarios.”

+  On a concluding note, Mr Gupta shared his vision for the start-up and said, “Our larger vision is that tomorrow, a large number of enterprises should get to endorse this fact that QNu Labs came and helped them implement this technology in a very simple, easy and cost-effective manner, and that they could actually save themselves from future threats. Our vision is to protect enterprises from current vulnerabilities and make them safe from future threats.”

Source:  newsX.  NewsX Bureau,  QNu Labs wants to accelerate world’s transition to quantum safe security: Sunil Gupta, Co-Founder, CEO of QNu Labs…

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