Schwew! “Quantum Computing is Here to Stay”

Schwew!  “Quantum Computing is Here to Stay” Quantum Computing is Here to Stay Excerpts and salient points ~ +  Quantum computing is here to stay. Although not in its final state, it is clear that quantum computing will influence and change computing for years to come. In fact, notion of post-quantum computing is already a topic […]

OP Ed: (Artificial Intelligence + Quantum Computing) * IBM = Living in Amazing Times

IBM continues to show unanticipated progress towards what will become a Quantum backed AI Excerpts and salient points ~ +  IBM has the largest public Quantum effort and arguably has the lead in Quantum Computing development though companies like Alphabet, Intel, and Microsoft are accelerating their own efforts in this area. +  Recent progress in […]

Big Data and Predictive Analytics Invigorate QxBranch, Quantum Computing Startup

Big Data and Predictive Analytics Invigorate QxBranch, Quantum Computing Startup. QxBranch.  In 2012, Shaun Wilson and Michael Brett were designing aerospace simulation software. On one particular project, Lockheed Martin’s Chief Scientist, Dr. Ned Allen, mentioned that it had just acquired an early quantum computer from D-Wave Systems, which he thought would help with computational work. They […]

Taking the First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing

First Step to Securing Your Corporation Against Quantum Computing.  The Hudson Institute has released a succinct guidebook tailored to an organization’s executive leadership.  The guidebook asks and answers numerous, pertinent questions on the topic of quantum computing’s threat to data encryption and what an organization can do, now, to start to mitigate this threat.  What […]

Cryptocurrency Continues Down the Path to Quantum-resistant Algorithms

Cryptocurrency Continues Down the Path to Quantum-resistant Cryptography.  Cryptocurrency Komodo is using the quantum-resistant algorithm Dilithium to protect its blockchain.  Though still a few years off, this early instantiation is another example of the budding awareness of quantum computing’s likely threat to encryption schema. Komodo and Dilithium.  Excerpt:  Komodo writes: “While quantum computers have not […]

No Doubt: Quantum Computing Will Break Encryption, Probably, Maybe, Maybe Not

No Doubt: Quantum Computing Will Break Encryption, Probably, Maybe, Maybe Not.  Will it or won’t it?  Soon enough, when the time is right and a quantum computer with sufficient power has arrived.  If in the right hands, the world may find out it encryption is truly capable of being broken.  In theory, it is breakable.  […]

Arab World Looking to Quantum Computing to Keep Up with Cryptography and Biomedicine

Arab World Looking to Quantum Computing to Keep Up with Cryptography and Biomedicine.  Investing in research and development is only the tip of the iceberg.  A broader scope is being called for to keep from being left behind. Arab World.  Extract:  …to get to the next level of computing we’ll need machines with thousands, if […]