University of Bristol

Programming, Reprogramming Quantum Computers

University of Bristol researchers efforts push quantum computer programming forward. This work helps overcome the challenge of precision-entanglement beyond the current single-qubit systems. Using CMOS-compatible photonic components and metal-oxide semi-conductors, their device has proven two-qubit operations with 93% (+/- 4.5%) efficiency. “Photonics is a promising platform for implementing universal quantum information processing. Its main challenges include precise control of massive circuits of linear optical components and effective implementation of entangling operations on photons.” 

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Quantum-Secure Encryption in Your Smartphone

A team affiliated with the University of Bristol has devised a tiny (1 mm square) random number generator which generates numbers at 2.8 Gbps speeds using silicon photonics technology found in semiconductor fabrication methods. This rate of photon generation and its inherent randomness coupled with a “very low” power consumption give this QRNG potential to secure encryption at the mobile-device level.

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